
import isFunction from 'lodash.isfunction';
import last       from 'lodash.last';

 * Create a higher-order reducer by combining two or more reducers,
 * logically executing each in sequence (in essence combining their
 * functionality into one).  This is useful when combining various
 * reducer types into one logical construct.
 * **Please Note:** Because each reducer is able to build on what has
 * been accomplished by a prior reducer, joinReducers cumulatively
 * passes the state parameter that was returned from any prior reducer
 * (in the chain of reducers to execute).  In essence this is an
 * accumulative process.  While this does NOT relax the immutable
 * constraint of the reducer's state parameter, it is possible for a
 * down-stream reducer to receive a state parameter that is a
 * different instance from the start of the reduction process (because
 * an up-stream reducer needed to alter it in some way).
 * The **User Guide** discusses joinReducers() in more detail
 * (see {@tutorial conceptJoin}), and additional examples can
 * be found in {@tutorial fullExample}.
 * @param {...reducerFn} reducerFns two or more reducer functions to join
 * together.
 * @param {InitialState} [initialState] - the optional fall-back state
 * value used during the state initialization boot-strap process.
 * @returns {reducerFn} a newly created reducer function (described above).
export default function joinReducers(...reducerFns) {

  // TODO: consider validation of joinReducers() params ... an array WITH 0,1,2? or more reducerFns

  // define our initialState parameter (optionally, the last parameter)
  // NOTE: We have to do this programatically because of our function 
  //       signature's utilization of the "ES6 rest parameter" syntax
  const initialState = isFunction(last(reducerFns)) ? undefined : reducerFns.pop();

  // expose our new higher-order reducer
  return (state=initialState, action, originalReducerState) => {

    // maintain the originalReducerState as the immutable state
    // at the time of the start of the reduction process
    // ... in support of joinReducers()
    // ... for more info, refer to the User Guide {@tutorial originalReducerState}
    if (originalReducerState === undefined) {
      originalReducerState = state;

    // execute each reducerFn in sequence
    return reducerFns.reduce( (nextState, reducerFn) => {
                                 return reducerFn(nextState, action, originalReducerState);
