
// NOTE: This file contains NO executable code, rather "JSDoc tags only", 
//       providing more concise API documentation for redux expectations.

// NOTE: This file tucked away in a spec/ directory, so as to NOT be included
//       in published npm source (it can be anywhere as long as it is seen by JSDoc).

//*** Specification: reducerFn

 * A standard [redux reducer function]{@link}
 * that is responsible for state changes.
 * @callback reducerFn
 * @param {*} state - The current immutable state that is the reduction target.
 * @param {Action} action - The standard redux action which drives the reduction process.
 * @returns {*} The resulting state after reduction.

//*** Specification: Action

 * @typedef {Object} Action
 * A standard [redux Action object]{@link}
 * that drives the reduction process.
 * @property {string|Symbol} type - The action type.
 * @property {*} whatever - Additional app-specific payload (as needed).