
Reducers frequently reason about the action.type, very often using a switch statement to drive conditional logic:

export default function widget(widget=null, action) {

  switch (action.type) {

    case 'widget.edit':
      return action.widget;

    case 'widget.edit.close':
      return null;

      return widget;

The reducerHash function (the most common composition reducer) provides a more elegant solution, eliminating the switch statement altogether. It creates a higher-order reducer, by combining a set of sub-reducer functions that are indexed by the standard action.type.

The following snippet, is equivalent to the one above:

import { reducerHash } from 'astx-redux-util';

const reduceWidget = reducerHash({
  "widget.edit":       (widget, action) => action.widget,
  "widget.edit.close": (widget, action) => null,

export default function widget(widget=null, action) {
  return reduceWidget(widget, action);

Not only is the conditional logic better encapsulated, but the default pass-through logic is automatically applied (using the identity function), passing through the original state when no action.type is acted on.

Please Note that because reducerHash is a higher-order creator function, it is invoked outside the scope of the widget() reducer. This is an optimization, so as to not incur the creation overhead on each reducer invocation.

Also Note that because reducerHash is so central to the rudimentary aspects of reduction, it is common to provide a value-added Logging Extension.